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We’re in Public Beta!

Join our beta program today and take an active role in shaping the future of Shotlist.


About the Beta Program

What is Public Beta?

Welcome to our Beta Program – your opportunity to be a part of the innovation journey. We are excited to invite you to take an exclusive sneak peek into the future of our products. In this section, we will provide you with all the details you need to know about our Beta Program, its benefits, and how you can participate.


Be a Pioneer

As a beta tester, you have the opportunity to experience cutting-edge technology and features before anyone else. You get to see the future of our products and services in action.


Exclusive Access

Beta testers get exclusive access to features and functionalities that are not available to the general public. It's a chance to explore and enjoy the latest enhancements firsthand.


Build Community

Join a community of like-minded individuals who share your enthusiasm for our products. Connect with other beta testers, share experiences, and learn from each other.

How do I participate?

Becoming a Beta Tester

Ready to Shape the Future? Here's How


Create your Account

Begin by creating an account and you'll be set up to use our platform for your next project.


Provide Feedback

Share your insights and report issues through the provided channels. Your feedback is invaluable in improving the product for everyone.


Use the Platform!

Have shotlist help you on your next creative projects. Use our different tools to tell a greater story!


Chat with Us!

Be the first to experience cutting-edge technology, influence development, and enjoy exclusive perks. 

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